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The Experts

Founder and co-owner
Executive management gained in C-level positions in B2B and B2C Companies as Ligabue Catering, Stock, Autogrill, Rana, Bofrost, Vitamin Store Enervit, with entrepreneurial spirit and business…
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MMP Senior Executive
Senior Executive for corporate finance, business plan, M&A. His expertises embrace training, education and change management. He has followed projects relating retail. renewable energies, media,…
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MMP Senior Executive
He has developed a long international experience in marketing and communication in corporations such as Nielsen, Publitalia '80 and SME Financial Holding, IRI agri-food sector. He coordinated the…
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MMP Senior Executive
Journalist, he lives between Venice and Warsaw working in the area of communication and public affairs. Head of Comunicazione Polska, association which publishes Gazzetta Italia, Italian-Polish…
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Saint Olive
MMP Senior Executive
His skills and his knowledge of the logic of the catering market are an important support for companies wishing to develop internationally or in the start-up phase. He has achieved significant…
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MMP Senior Executive
Senior management experience in marketing and commercial in leading Multinational apparel, fmcg and food companies such as Sara Lee, Kimberly-Clark, Lactalis, Giovanni Rana. Stephen has worked…
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